closing on the phone

Grant Cardone Sales Techniques for Closing on the Phone

Although this video is only 3 minutes long, there are a few sales closing techniques that are worth looking at, some of which may only be effective for an American audience but some which would work globally.

Initially, Grant Cardone’s sales assistant can be heard asking how many sales per leads he is closing. The prospect states he is only closing 8 out of 100 leads per week, Grant’s assistant mildly chastises him by saying he is going backwards rather than forwards. This is a bit of a gamble because in some cultures, this might cause offense.

It turns out the prospect is interested in purchasing Grant’s sales training package if it can be done for $100 less. It’s unclear from the video whether he means $100 in total but is more likely $100 less per month. At this stage Grant himself decides to take over the call and says to the prospect if he’s going to be paying $30,000 over three years, $100 is not going to make any difference.

He says he should be worrying more about $1,000,000 than $100, implying that he will be missing out on $1,000,000 worth of sales if he doesn’t buy the training package. This technique is very effective as it is drawing a comparison between the amount he will lose versus the amount he will spend of which there is a large gap.

He then says to the prospect “I have just one question for you…yay or nay”. The prospect is still hesitant at this point so Grant says, “if $100 is the decision maker then don’t do it”. This technique is known as the takeaway, which gives the prospect a sense of missing out if he doesn’t take Grant up on the offer.

Grant even injects some humour at this point by asking, “do you know who this is”, but before letting the prospect answer then says, “it doesn’t matter who this is yay or nay”.

Finally, the prospect realises it would be wise to take the package and Grant is quick to instruct his assistant to get the credit card details and close the deal.

While this sales call could be seen as slightly forceful it can be effective in certain situations, especially if the prospect is close to making a decision. However, there are ways you can get the prospect to come to their own positive conclusion about your products or services with much less resistance using NLP sales techniques. Check out these details which explains how a salesman for Tony Robbins was able to do over $100 million in sales using these very NLP techniques.

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