Best books for marketing

5 Best Marketing Books for Business

Ask a 100 different people what their favourite marketing books are and you’ll get 100 different answers. Therefore, this a list of books which I personally found useful and impactful. Also, some of these books are not strictly just about marketing, but business principles and marketing in general, which are intertwined. Don’t fall into the…

make money online

9 Ways You Can Make Serious Money (Online and Offline)

Introduction It’s clear that as time goes by, it’s getting harder and harder to keep your head above water by working the 9-5, let alone making extra cash to spend on luxury items or holidays etc. You’ve probably heard stories of “kids” making money in their underpants from home, while the rest of us are…

building rapport for sales

How to build rapport for closing a sale – Jordan Belfort (Wolf of Wall Street)

  In this short but important video, Jordan Belfort AKA The Wolf of Wall Street explains why building rapport on a sales call is crucial, but more importantly how to do it the correct way. Jordan mentions that people often think of building rapport as something you would do if trying to create bond with…

closing on the phone

Grant Cardone Sales Techniques for Closing on the Phone

Although this video is only 3 minutes long, there are a few sales closing techniques that are worth looking at, some of which may only be effective for an American audience but some which would work globally. Initially, Grant Cardone’s sales assistant can be heard asking how many sales per leads he is closing. The…